Before we begin, I wanted to give everyone a bit of a rundown on my background briefly and why I’m even qualified to teach you guys this stuff.
I’ve been a Professional Trader both funded with Proprietary Trading Firms and with my own capital for several years.
Throughout my journey, I’ve learned a lot of things the hard way. I’ve also been lucky enough to have some great mentors who have helped me become the consistently profitable and successful trader that I am today.
Becoming a trader is no easy task and I am living proof of that. In my journey of becoming a successful trader, I have personally gone through tens of thousands in blown accounts, thousands spent working with expert trading psychologists, trading coaches and mentors; just to develop my technical and emotional strategies.
All of this has brought me to the level I am today.
However, it doesn’t have to be like that for everyone.
You don’t need to learn the hard way and waste thousands of dollars without having a basis for trading successfully.
Here’s What Some of My Students Have to Say About
My Mentorship Programs:
Greg M. from Philadelphia Shares His TTN Mentorship Experience:
An incredible excerpt from a Mentorship session where a student discusses the impact that our 4-Week Trader Intensive Program has had on his life.
A 4-Week Mentorship Student discusses the positive impact our program has had on his trading and mindset by focusing on Trading Psychology.
Halfway through a 10-Week Mentorship Program, this student is already showing significant consistency and discipline in his trading. In this clip, he shows his performance with consecutive multi-thousand dollar weeks since beginning our 10-Week program.
A 10-Week Mentorship Student shows off his 100% Profitability Trading Day using strategies from our program.
Mentorship Feedback via my “Liquidity Lines” Technique which nearly instantly improved this trader’s performance.
A 10-Week Mentorship Student becoming self aware in her trading. She has removed emotion and is realizing her mistakes with an analytical mind to learn from them.
A 4-Week Mentorship Student Discusses How Our Mentorship Program is “Bigger Than Trading” and strengthens all aspects of his life.
These testimonials were not compensated.
Take a look at my mentorship programs below and lets chat about how we can help you reach your individual trading goals.
Mentorship Programs:
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(Click each Mentorship Program for details)